Kenya Magango
Regular price £11.00
Rumukia Farmers' Cooperative Society |
Nyeri, Central Highlands |
Batian, Ruiru 11, SL28, SL34 |
Altitude: 1600 metres above sea level
Process: Washed
Flavours: Orange, Lemon, Treacle
About This Coffee
The Region
Maganjo factory is located in Iriani, Mathira constituency in Nyeri County. It is about 115 Km from Nairobi capital Centre and 5 Km from Karatina town along the Nairobi – Nyeri highway. This area lies at an altitude of 1,600masl on the fertile foothills of Mt. Kenya and Aberdare ranges slope. This region is reputed for its high quality coffee and commonly referred to as the 'home' of Kenyan coffee.
Nyeri County has cool temperatures and fertile central highlands, lying between the Eastern base of the Aberdare (Nyandarua) Range, which forms part of the Eastern end of the Great Rift Valley, and the Western slopes of Mt. Kenya. Nyeri town (county headquarters) acts as a destination for those visiting Aberdare National Park and Mt.Kenya.
The Process
The coffee is wet processed, where the fully ripe cherries are:
• Pulped
• Fermented for 12 - 48 hours (depending on climatic conditions)
• Washed
• Dried slowly over 2 - 3 weeks on raised African beds until the moisture content is reduced to 10-12%.
The coffee is then processed at Othaya dry mill where it is rested in parchment for 3 weeks before being hulled, cleaned and graded by bean size. Finally, the coffee is carefully handpicked before being bagged in GrainPro for export from Mombasa.
Light/ Medium
Filter & Espresso