Colombia Media Luna
Castillo, Colombia, Caturra
Colombia and Castillo are two varieties created in Colombia to address issues of productivity and resistance to the coffee rust, while at the same time seeking positive attributes in the cup. Caturra is a long time favorite of many for its delicious flavor notes and round body.
With our specially crafted double fermentation protocol to enhance the natural attributes of these varieties and with its characteristic sweetness, we are sure you will find this to be one of your new favorite Colombian coffees.

The process
This coffee is fully eco-washed, after undergoing two different stages of controlled fermentation. Here's the story on the process: 1.Coffee is harvested by hand at its optimal point of ripeness 2.At the mill, coffee cherries are taken to the first hopper where the cherries will be washed to remove excess dust or any leaves or twigs. 3.The coffee cherries will now undergo a period of 24 hour anaerobic fermentation (while still in cherry) 4. Next the coffee is pulped and then will be placed in a sealed hopper for the next period of 36 hours of controlled anaerobic fermentation. 5. When the second fermentation period is completed, the coffee will be pulped and taken to our eco-wash station. We use innovative equipment to make an efficient use of the precious resource that water is. 6. The coffee is then transported via bands to our pre-drying deck. We discovered that the moving bands, reduces physical damage to the coffee bean. The pre-drying deck allows the coffee to take a rest to stabilize in between the fermentation, wash and drying phases. 7. The coffee is then slowly dried until it reaches a humidity of between 10.5 and 11% 8. The coffee is then stored in Grainpro bags until the moment when it will be threshed and prepared for export.